Electrician Salaries in Pennsylvania

In Pennsylvania, the average annual compensation for an electrician is roughly $50,972. Those at the bottom of the earnings ladder can expect to earn around $28,000, while those at the top can earn as much as $92,000. Earnings vary according to the level of experience and areas of specialism. Earnings for top-level electricians start at around $44.62 per hour. It is estimated that around 5% of Pennsylvania’s electricians make over $92,000 per year. Senior-level electricians earn in the region of $33.59 hourly, equating to around $60,000 per year. Mid-level electricians start at $24.51 per hour, representing an annual salary of $50,972. Earnings for junior electricians start at $17.88 per hour, which is the minimum wage in the United States. This equates to $37,186 per annum. Earnings for an entry-level electricians start at $13.46 dollars per hour, which is around $27,997 per annum.

How do electrician salaries compare to those of other professions?

In Pennsylvania, electricians earn roughly the same as their counterparts in comparable fields. They earn less than surveyors on average but more than building and construction inspectors.

How satisfied are electricians?

When it comes to happiness, electricians are below average in comparison to alternative trades. Specifically, a recent poll found that electricians evaluate their job satisfaction at 3.0 out of 5 stars, putting them within the lowest 29% of all occupations.

Are you an electrician or plan on becoming one? Why not protect yourself against possible accidents? If you work as an independent contractor, want to start your own company, or manage a business of electrical contractors, consider getting electrician insurance in Pennsylvania. Learn more here.

The personality traits required to be an electrician

Electricians are frequently practical people who love working outside or on a hands-on project. They are also investigative, which means they are inquisitive and curious individuals who enjoy spending time alone with their ideas.

If you identify with one or both of these archetypes, you could be a good fit for a career as an electrician. If you are sociable, though, this is probably not the profession for you.

What does being an electrician involve?

Electricians are qualified professionals who are responsible for designing, installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting electrical wiring systems.

These systems may be found in houses, businesses, and industrial structures, as well as in machineries and huge machinery plants. Electricians work both inside and outside buildings and work on a variety of appliances and products including lights, equipment, and ciurcuit boards.

Two common types of electricians are inside wiremen and outside linemen. These are the primary focuses; however, within each category, there are different areas of specialty. Each type of specialty or post has its own set of duties.

Inside wiremen are electricians who focus almost solely on structural wiring. The constructions range in age from recently built dwellings to an ancient industrial complex that has been repurposed. Inside wiremen, as the name implies, spend the most of their time indoors. They use blueprints to install new electrical systems in new buildings, identify defects, and replace obsolete systems.

On the other hand, outside lineman spend the most of their time outside. They must have a moderate degree of physical fitness since they must climb telephone and power poles. Outside linemen must also fight with inclement weather in order to restore electricity to all of the region’s afflicted homes, businesses, and other structures. These electricians work with transformers, transmission lines, and traffic lights. They may also be tasked with tree pruning or the construction of electrical substations.

These broad categories are further broken into subcategories.

  • Service electricians are experts in troubleshooting and repairing electrical issues.
  • Construction electricians are primarily responsible for the installation of wiring in new projects, and they seldom perform maintenance. Electricians specialise in a variety of fields, including marine, research aviation, hospital-specific applications.

What kind of training do electricians receive?

A certificate or associate degree is required for most electricians. Electrician, Electrical Engineering, and Electronics Engineering Technology are the most prevalent disciplines of study.

What kind of education do electricians have?

Electricians can earn an electrician degree. Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering Technology are two other prevalent degrees. However, just an estimated 6% of practicing electricians have been educated to this level.

A certificate or associate degree is held by 67 percent of electricians, while a high school diploma is held by 18 percent.

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